Search Engine Optimization
SEO is an area that really excites the team at PeachBerry. Seeing a website that we have
developed (or aided through consultancy) appear at the top of Search Engine rankings leaves us
feeling all warm inside. We know exactly what it takes to get your site to the top of Search
Engines and most importantly help it cement its place there at the summit. We believe that a
great Web Site is one which has great content, and therefore most of our optimization is done
via a mix of simple natural techniques like content optimization, and a few code tweaks here
and there.
Needless to say, we build all of our websites with Google, Yahoo!, Bing and all of the other
major search engines in mind to ensure that each of them index your site in the most efficient
manner possible.
The SEO market tends to be flooded by would-be gurus flinging terms and techniques around,
making it seem like a daunting beast to take on. Rest assured, as in everything else in life, simple
things done brilliantly well will take you a long way, and we know what’s important, what’s not,
and what will make your site rank as highly as possible.
Our SEO process starts with an evaluation of your current website, a stage in which we will
determine any issues that are having a negative impact on your rankings. We will also work with
you to identify clear targets for your website in terms of keywords chosen, competition analysis,
and ways to better promote your offerings online.
Following the evaluation stage we can take it further and help you implement the changes
necessary for you to start ranking higher in Search Engines, get higher quality traffic and
increase conversions.
If you want to discuss how we can help you free your website from the chains that are
preventing it from getting to the top of Search Engine rankings, contact us today!